Relationship Therapy
Relationship counselling helps you to make the most of your relationships, past, present or future. It really depends what you want to get out of the counselling, but it is rare that you will leave therapy without feeling a positive change. For some people therapy transforms their relationships and their lives, others gain help to solve a specific problem and move forward with more confidence and less anxiety.
Our experience in working with individuals and couples to mend, improve or leave their relationships has helped many people.
We offer an integrative approach to relationship therapy, in which we help our clients to explore relational patterns and internal belief systems.
Our approach works well for individuals too as we can help and guide on a journey to more self awareness, to find answers to the reasons we act as we do in our relationship. We are here to help you make that change.
If you feel that you would benefit from relationship therapy, then call on 07951 738499 or email at
Parenting After Parting
- The Divorce Journey and Process
- How to tell your children that you are separating
- What children need
- What children don't need
- Parental communication
- Parenting from two homes
- Dealing with Contact
- Support networks
- The emotional separation
- Moving on
- How to make a parenting plan
We offer an information and guidance service for separating parents. Research has shown that separation does not need to damage children. Separation is a highly emotional time and if these normal strong feeligs can be managed around the children, then after an initial period of transition, the children will thrive.
We aim to tailor the package to the individual. Typically this would consist of 3 one and a half hour sessions, Session 1 could cover the separation journey and the needs of the children, including how to tell your children that you are separating. Session 2 could look at some conflict management skills and how to have difficult conversations. Session 3 could look at the needs of the individual and moving forward. This session could also cover how to make a parenting plan.
This service works well along side mediation, which can then be more successful.
Ongoing counselling can continue after the initial 3 sessions if required.
Individuals can attend alone or together as a separating couple.
If you feel this service would be of benefit to you, then please call on 07951 738499 or email at for an initial chat and to make an appointment. We are based in Stockport, Hale and Bolton.